As we ring in 2022, there is no doubt that we are entering the year with a sense of uncertainty at the workplace. With the ebb and flow of the Coronavirus pandemic comes ever-changing workplace policies. While some companies are allowing more employees to come into the office, some have remained fully remote, and others have adopted a hybrid working model. While some aspects of work have become inconsistent, workplace wellness is the one constant that has followed us through the past 2 years. Follow our 10 tips to promote physical and mental wellness at work this year, whether you are working in person, in a hybrid environment, or remotely.


1. Implement a Wellness Program or Stipend

If it is not already offered, push for your company to offer a wellness program or wellness stiped at your workplace. This encourages employees to prioritize their wellness and incentivizes them to do the things that they need to remain healthy. 

Companies that have wellness stipends usually offer anywhere from $500 to $3,000 for their employees on an annual basis. These wellness stipends can be used for anything that improves their mental and physical wellbeing. This could be a meditation app, gym membership, or running sneakers.

2. Eat Your Lunch Away From The Computer

Although it may seem tempting to eat your lunch while also catching up on some emails, it is important to step away from your work and take some time for yourself mid day. Taking a lunch break every day can help iWelness Activities For Remote Workersmprove your mood, wellbeing and even lead to higher engagement at work.

3. Add Some Greenery To Your Office Space

Regardless of whether your workspace is at home or in the office, adding some plants to your workspace is a great way to improve its look and feel. There is even scientific evidence that suggests interactions with indoor plants can reduce physiological and psychological stress.

 4. Try Meditation

Meditation is a great way to disconnect and focus on your mental wellbeing. Research shows that it can help reduce stress, ease anxiety, and lower blood pressure. Scheduling in a few minutes of meditation every mornTeam Bonding Meditation Programing is a great way to start your day with a clear and focused mind! Also, ending the day with a stress relief meditation will help you put the day behind you and focus on time to yourself.

To incorporate guided team meditation into your workplace, try a Meditainment program. These types of programs can be seamlessly incorporated into team meetings to help team members leave the meeting refreshed and rejuvenated.

5. Get Physical

The furthest walk of your day may be from your desk to the kitchen. For that reason, it is important to schedule at least 20 to 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Whether that be a stroll around the neighborhood, an online workout video, or morning yoga. Try some laughter yoga for a fun and unique workout to help reduce stress. Increasing your blood flow and adrenaline will give you the energy you need to get you through the day. It is also vital to keep the muscles moving and active throughout the day. Try some quick stretches for your neck, and back every hour, and stand up every once in a while, to stretch out your legs. 

6. Stay SocialVirtual Team Bonding Activities

One of the most difficult aspects of working from home or working in a hybrid environment is not being able to see your coworkers on a daily basis. After all, we often see our coworkers more than we see our family. Make it a point to stay connected and bond with your coworkers, whether that be through Zoom lunches or virtual team Happy Hours.   

7. Listen to Music Team Bonding Motivational Playlist

Music is a great outlet for many to increase morale, and lift spirits. Create a work playlist with songs that will help motivate you throughout the day. You can even try sharing playlists with your coworkers and friends as a way to stay connected. Check out our “Motivation for Working” playlist for some inspiration!

8. Set Healthy Boundaries

To maintain mental wellness, it is important to set limits and maintain healthy boundaries. It is easy to find yourself working late on a project or agreeing to more projects than you can handle. However, it is important to remember that it is healthy to say “no” if agreeing to it will take a toll on your wellbeing. 

Working from home puts you especially at risk of overworking. With your office only a few feet away from your relaxation and decompression space, it is easy to meld the two. Take active steps to separate yourself from the work day. Whether that means closing the door to your office, completely shutting down your computer at the end of the day, or setting your status to out of office at the end of the work day, it is essential to separate yourself from your work at the end of the day. If you feel like other workers or managers are not respecting your boundaries at the end of the day, it is important to have a frank discussion with them and communicate the times that you are unavailable.

9. Use All Your Vacation Days

For some reason, although vacation days are a benefit we are entitled to as much as our salary, employees often feel guilty using all their vacation days. However, taking vacation days and time off is essential for your mental wellness and health. Time off helps reduce burnout, improves well-being, and increases productivity. This year, make one of your resolutions using every vacation day or time off day that you have.

10.  Employee Recognition

With new workplace difficulties arising, companies need to maintain a positive work environment now more than ever. Offering wellness programs, and access to wellness resources is important for the success and productivity of the employees. Positive affirmations through milestone gifts or customer reviews are also a great way to keep up spirits. To get a better understanding of how employees in your organization prefer to be recognized, try sending out an employee recognition survey to drive your company’s reward and recognition system.


Any major change in the workplace is an adjustment. However, with the right attitude and mindful actions to stay healthy, you can overcome these adjustments while keeping your wellness as a priority. Stay up to date with all of our wellness resources here!

Vipsania Pimentel

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