As we welcome the brave new world of 2025, change is in the air. The Great Resignation continues, how we work is rapidly transforming, and health and wellness tips for the workplace are more important than ever. According to Lyra Health, 86% of employees say that wellness at work has become a higher priority in the past few years.

We’re supporting the trend with our favorite workplace wellness tips for employees for the new year. They’ll improve physical and mental health no matter how or where you work.

If you’re ready to prioritize self-care, start planning your resolutions and watch how these health and wellness tips for the workplace can transform your days.

Our 11 Favorite Workplace Wellness Tips for Employees

Make 2025 your anti-burnout year. It’s time to boost your productivity and take care of your health in and out of the office. These essential wellness ideas for the workplace are designed to help. So sit back, grab a drink, and get ready to find the habits that’ll improve your 9-to-5.

1. Ask About a Wellness Program or Stipend

If your company offers a workplace wellness program or stipend, use it! If they don’t, consider suggesting one. Many modern companies have programs to provide employees with an annual budget for wellness expenses. Here are a few examples of what you can use them for:

  • Gym memberships
  • Workout equipment
  • Meditation apps
  • Ergonomic office furniture
  • Talk therapy

These programs encourage and often incentivize employees to prioritize their mental and physical wellness. Companies with wellness stipends usually offer anywhere from $500 to $3,000 for their employees annually.

Don’t work in the office? No problem! Plenty of these programs are designed for remote employees because staying healthy while working from home matters, too

2. Eat Your Lunch Away from the Computer

Eating lunch at your desk is tempting, but what’s better than catching up on emails or reading that report on your desk? Giving your brain a break from work, that’s what.

Taking mini breaks and stepping away from your desk has repeatedly been shown to increase your well-being and performance. Trust us, there’s a reason why this is among the most long-standing workplace wellness tips for employees everywhere.

So, next time you’re about to snack at the computer, get up and take your daily lunch break somewhere else! Try reaping the benefits of laughter with your favorite standup act, sitting outside, or watching nature through a window.
Combine this with our next employee health and wellness tip for extra health benefits from your lunch break!

3. Get Outside Every Day

According to Harvard Business Review, taking breaks from work to enjoy nature helps employees feel happier and more productive.

Spending time in green spaces, surrounded by nature with fresh air and sunlight, gives your body what it needs to refresh and recharge. It can be the difference between forgetting what you read after skimming that report and wowing your boss at your next meeting.

Here are a few wellness tips for employees who want to get outside during their breaks:

  • Work from home? Take your dog (or yourself) for a short walk around the block.
  • Lunchtime? Sit on a nearby park bench while you eat and take a break from your screens.
  • Bad weather? Look out the window at stormy or cold weather while you organize your thoughts.

Consider asking your workplace if they’re open to exploring outdoor workspaces so everyone can benefit from this office wellness idea. Or just ask a coworker to join you and enjoy the benefits of socializing with colleagues while you’re at it.

4. Add Some Greenery to Your Office Space

Who can deny the appeal of a wellness idea for the workplace that makes your space look stylish and modern?
Adding plants to your workspace can be one of the most enjoyable wellness ideas for workplaces, big and small. They don’t just look nice—plants in the office can reduce stress levels, improve productivity, increase comfort, and lead to happier employees.

You don’t need a green thumb for many of the best office plants. Here are some easy-care plants to start with:

  • Spider plants
  • Snake plants
  • Peace lilies
  • Pothos
  • Jade plants
  • Air plants
  • Lucky bamboo

If you don’t want to care for live plants, research shows that artificial plants can also improve mental and physical health.

5. Try Daily Meditation

Mediatainment with TeamBonding and Catalyst

Numerous studies have proven that meditation offers tons of mental and physical health benefits.

It’s a quick and easy way to reduce tension and anxiety while giving your brain a reset. That’s why daily meditation is one of our favorite wellness ideas for workplaces of all shapes and sizes.

Meditating for a few minutes is a great way to start your day with a clear and focused mind. Try a meditation app, guided meditations on YouTube, or just setting a two-minute timer and counting your breaths—whatever works for you!

You can also incorporate guided team meditation in your workplace with Meditainment programs. These programs integrate seamlessly into team meetings to help employees leave the meeting refreshed and rejuvenated. It’s also a great time to share your favorite wellness tips for employees with the whole team.

6. Get Physical Activity Every Day

If the furthest walk of your day is from your desk to the kitchen, it’s time for a change! Harvard Health recommends scheduling at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day.

Physical activity can boost productivity, lower blood pressure, and help you maintain a healthy weight. It also offers several other health benefits, from making you happier to adding years to your life.

We already touched on wellness tips for employees who want to get outside, so let’s focus on indoor exercise with these ideas:

  • Start your day with a 30-minute workout or dance session (more on the benefits of music in a moment) to boost your mood and energy levels.
  • Do a 30-minute guided yoga video in the morning or evening to unwind.
  • Try some laughter yoga for a fun and unique workout to help reduce stress.

Keeping your muscles moving and active throughout the day is also essential. Try some quick stretches for your neck, shoulders, and back every hour, and stand up every 30 minutes or so to stretch out your legs, even if it’s only for a moment.

7. Listen to Your Favorite Music

Did you know that listening to music at work is associated with enhanced performance and employee satisfaction? This is probably one of the most enjoyable workplace wellness tips around—it’s even a powerful team building tool!

Music is a fantastic way to improve motivation in the workplace. It’s a great outlet for pent-up emotions and a quick way to turn your day around. The next time you feel demotivated at work, test it for yourself by putting on your favorite happy song and watching as it lifts your spirits like magic.

Create a work playlist with songs that will help motivate you throughout the day. You can even share playlists with your coworkers and friends to stay connected in this busy, remote world.

Office playlist of songs for work

Click here to discover motivating and fun songs for work!

8. Socialize With Coworkers

Working in your pajamas is great, but if you’re part of the WHF or hybrid crew, you’re probably well aware that it’s tough not being able to see your coworkers much (if at all). After all, many of us saw our coworkers more often than our family before the shift to remote work began.

It’s not just you, either. According to Summa Health, socializing reduces stress, boosts mood, improves quality of life, improves cognitive function, and reduces the risk of chronic disease.

So, make a point to stay connected with your coworkers and socialize! That could mean Zoom lunches or virtual team Happy Hours. Whatever works for you is fantastic.

9. Set Healthy Boundaries To Avoid Burnout

Setting limits and maintaining healthy boundaries is just as important as socializing. It’s easy to find yourself working late or agreeing to more than you can handle. Remember that it’s healthy to say “no” to something if agreeing would affect your well-being and work-life balance.

This is one of the most essential wellness tips for employees in a remote environment. Remote workers have a higher risk of burnout and overworking themselves. With your office so close to your relaxation and decompression space, it’s all too easy to meld the two.

So, take active steps to separate yourself from the workday. This might mean closing the door to your office, completely shutting down your computer, or setting your status to out of office at the end of the workday. Do whatever it takes to separate yourself from work and set healthy boundaries.

If you feel like your coworkers or managers aren’t respecting your boundaries, it can help to have a frank discussion with them. Communicate the times that you’re unavailable and stick to them.

10. Use All Your Vacation Days

Why say no to paid time off? Everyone is entitled to vacation days. They’re as important as our salary in some ways and essential for maintaining well-being. Still, it’s common to feel guilty for using all of your vacation days.

Remember, your paid time off (PTO) helps you decompress from work, reducing burnout, improving well-being, and increasing productivity.

This year, make one of your resolutions using every vacation or PTO day you have available! (And try to avoid quiet vacationing for your mental health, too.)

11. Focus on Employee Recognition

If you’re a manager or business owner, you know workplaces are changing. It’s more important than ever to maintain a positive work environment. Sure, you can share wellness tips for employees and focus on bringing these changes into your office, but it doesn’t end there.

Offering wellness programs and access to wellness resources can improve the success and productivity of your employees. Positive affirmations through milestone gifts or customer reviews are also great ways to keep up spirits.

To get a better understanding of how employees in your organization prefer to be recognized, try sending out an employee recognition survey to drive your company’s reward and recognition system.

Make 2025 Your Year: Embrace These Wellness Tips for Employees

These wellness tips for employees can transform your workplace experience in 2025. Of course, changing your routine requires adjustment, but it’s worth it.

Whether you’re a team member or a manager, try to integrate these wellness tips for employees into your routines. Adjust your schedule, prioritize health and well-being, and watch 2025 become your best year ever.

If you’d like some help elevating your team’s well-being and productivity, we have tons of activities and events that can help. Get in touch today!

Camille VanBuskirk

Team Contributor


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