Giving back to our communities makes you feel good, assists in making you more socially aware and helps you bond with your colleagues as you team up to help those in need. Charity is beneficial for both humanity and business for many reasons. When you participate in Corporate Social Responsibility team building activities, you get the best of both worlds.

Head Back to School

With the Back to School season now upon us, what better time to focus on giving back to schools?! If you are looking for a fun, interactive and productive way to bring your team closer together AND work towards the greater good of building up your local community, then have we got the event for you!

This particular event works well for any group size (12-250+). It’s great for your company picnic, community service days or even the company holiday party.

Get Hands-On

This hands-on team building event challenges your teams to fill a backpack with the supplies such as notebooks, pencil, erasers, etc. Do you want to know the best part about this event? It’s not just as simple as “filling the backpacks”.

Each team needs to earn their items through creative mental (think quizzes) and physical team challenges (fun games) that require

teamwork, communication and a willingness to roll up their sleeves and get involved. With so many different ways to have fun and earn supplies for the backpacks for the kids, there is something for everyone on every team to do!

Give Back

Consider this, by giving your employees the opportunity to participate in one of these programs, you are encouraging them to give back to the community. Research suggests that participating in volunteer activities outside of the office can help employees recover from work and come back energized. Contact us today to set up your event!

Melissa Burgio

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