Tips for Team Building: Who, What, When, Where, Why…?

Clarify roles and responsibilities.

Need some tips for team building? Whether you’re planning an event or working on team building long term, a big challenge for teams is a lack of clarity on individual roles and responsibilities. Clarify roles, institute accountability and achieve your common vision and goals.

For upcoming events, projects or during your quarterly review, consider this:

  • How clear is our team’s understanding of their specific roles?
  • Do YOU understand your team’s roles and responsibilities?
  • Where do roles and responsibilities overlap between individual team members?
  • Where do roles and responsibilities overlap with other departments?
  • Do you have the right strategies for accountability in place?
  • Are they afraid of failure?

tips for team building roles

Who, What, when, Where, Why Poems

If you’re having trouble answering these questions, make a team building activity out of getting the answers. Have each team member write a poem about their role or department and share it within your team.

Who, what, when, where, why poems should be five lines long. The poem should tell a story or give a strong picture of someone or something. Each line should answer on of the “w” questions in the order listed above. When you read the poem, it should sound like a two sentences put together.


Samantha McDuffee

Team Contributor


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