Collaborative Teams = Survival of the Fittest

“In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.”- Charles Darwin

The beauty of team building quotes is that they can come from anyone at anytime and can survive generations. Although some are more famous than others, they all can inspire a team to collaborate and work hard while paying tribute to many of the great thinkers before our time.

collaborative teamsThis week’s team building quote comes from one of the most famous scientists and influential figures in human history, Charles Darwin. He is most acknowledged for his contributions to evolutionary theory and the pattern of natural selection. He explains the “struggle for existence” and the connection of ancestors in his 1859 book, On the Origin of Species.

Darwin used fossils and the study of geology to inspire his scientific studies while also collaborating with other scientists of his time. His publication on natural selection was a joint publication with Alfed Russel Wallace, and many of his observations concerning natural science supported the work of Charles Lyell.

Team collaboration leads to success.

It is not only science where collaboration and teamwork are necessary in achieving a common goal. His theories can be applied to many aspects of life. Darwin’s study on how and why certain species survive can relate to survival and effectiveness of most entities and business models.

Darwin believed in survival of the fittest.

He knew that in order to succeed, he had to work with other scientists who were studying similar topics and improvise when it was necessary. This is also true in the workplace. Collaborative teams covering a range of different topics allows ideas to grow and business to prevail. Without communication and teamwork, there would not be consistency and thoroughness in business.

When was there a time at work where you think collaboration allowed your idea to survive?

We would love to hear your stories about how you effectively work with your colleagues in the workplace! Check back for more team building quotes each week and let us know which ones motivate you.

Can’t get enough team building inspiration? What a more collaborative team?


Samantha DiFeliciantonio

Team Contributor


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