Stuck in a slump? Not accomplishing as much as you want to be? Need help boosting your own or your team’s productivity? Well, we’ve got a solution for you! Introducing the BOND Productivity Challenge!bond-categories

We’ve broken your overall productivity down into four categories: Big picture, Organization, Networking, and Daily tasks. Point values are assigned to each task in a category, with higher value items in the Big picture category and lower points in the Daily tasks. Using this BOND method, you’ll be able to evaluate the areas of work where you personally could use improvement, and work to strength your overall productivity.

Individual Challenge

For the individual component of this challenge, we’re providing you with an individual productivity tracking sheet. With this tool, you’ll be able to input the point value for each productivity item as you complete the challenge. It will calculate your weekly total in each category, over all, and allow you to track your daily average for each week.

If your average productivity on week one was 25 points a day, then in the following week try to average 30 points a day. This will result in an increase in over-all productivity, and also allow you to start developing some good habits.

Team Competition

While this challenge has benefits to being done individually, the real fun comes from making it a competition. To that end, we’re also including a team score chart which will allow you to tract the progress of everyone in your office. To make the competition fairer for part-timers, we suggestion you track everyone’s daily average productivity. That way it’s what you get done while you’re in the office that counts, not how often you’re there.

How you determine the winner of this challenge is up to you! You can total up each person’s daily average productivity, to recognize the person who accomplished the most over the course of the month. Or you can compare each person’s first and last week’s daily productivity, to determine who improved the most during the challenge. Sweeten the pot with a prize such as a gift card or a small cash buy-in from all participants.

Whether you’re challenging yourself or competing against your co-workers, start developing good habits for a more productive future. Start the BOND Productivity Challenge today!

Start Your Productivity Challenge Today

Emily D

Team Contributor


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