Category: Enhance Leadership Skills
Ready to enhance your leadership skills? Read these blogs to learn leadership best practices to become the person your employees admire most. You’ll discover how to best support your teammates, help your company advance, and become a role model for all employees.
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7 Team Building Tools that Foster Effective Teamwork
Whether your entire team typically works under the same roof or you’re spread out among remote offices (or coffee shops), you must work together to reach a common goal. From conference call meetings to e-mail agendas, it can be difficult to foster effective teamwork. Have no fear! We’re here to help. Start using the team building tools listed under each of the topics below and your team will begin working together like never before.
Unleash Your WHY
From the moment you learn to talk, the most recited word in your vocabulary is “WHY?” As a relentlessly curious child this burning question plagues your parents as you pester them. WHY? WHY? WHY? You want understanding, for things to make sense, for the world not to seem like one big question mark.
Team Building Tip: What’s in a Name?
Team Building Tip: Do not call your team building exercise “team building.” People have preconceived notions about what to expect from team building events and they are not always excited about them. Instead, refer to the activity itself. Here are some ideas on how to change the stigma around corporate team building events: (more…)
5 Tips For Hiring And Managing Interns
An intern can be a great addition to your team at work. However, there are some things to know before you set out to find one. These tips and tricks will give you a head start on finding the perfect intern and help you keep your team motivated while managing interns!
Need to Know Strategies for Employee Retention
Do you have some pretty amazing employees that you’d hate to see leave? Do you know how to get them to stay? Employee retention should be a top priority, but it can be challenging for a company. It’s crucial to know what steps to take toward success. The more you know about the importance of employee retention, the better! (more…)
Connecting Business and Improv
Before Lakshmi Balachandra started teaching Improvisational Leadership at the MIT Sloan School of Management, she was an improv comic. When she went to MIT to study an MBA, it was there that she realized how much she was actually using her improv skills in her new business career. (more…)
The Success of Life is Off the Stage, Motivating Employees
“Real success is not on the stage, but off the stage as a human being, and how you get along with your fellow man.” – Sammy Davis Jr. Quotes are a great tool for motivating employees and yourself. They can help inspire teams and leaders to work together through many different situations. Familiar, eloquent voices encourage to connect through a common interest. This week’s quote comes from Sammy Davis Jr.
Leading is Believing (in your Team)
“A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be.”- Rosalynn Carter This quote is for all the leaders out there working to inspire their team and lead them in a direction that is both positive for the company and the individual. Great leaders do not only direct, but they also have the ability to foresee how specific skills will work together. (more…)
More About What Makes a Successful Team
Ever feel totally out of your element? Chances are that many of your team members do, which makes success difficult to tackle.
What makes a team successful?
“We must all hang together, or assuredly, we shall all hang separately.” – Benjamin Franklin Team building quotes can inspire any team to work harder. This week’s quote comes from a time when the Founding Fathers of the United State of America were working together to draft the laws of the land. (more…)
Feature Friday | Employee Training Programs
You have a great team, right? And you want to keep that team. Retaining employees is vital to success.
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