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How to Build Good Team Dynamics

You know it when you see it: a team that just works.

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Boomerang Employees: Should You Rehire Ex-Employees?

After the Great Resignation, a new hiring trend is beginning to emerge  – boomerang hiring.  This involves rehiring people who’ve left the company for whatever reason. In a 4,000-person survey conducted by UKG in April 2022, 43% of respondents who quit their job during the pandemic are now having quitters remorse and could be open to going back to their old job. 

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Supporting Employee Mental Health in the Workplace

One out of every five employees is likely to be dealing with a mental health issue. According to the National Institute for Mental Health in 2020, 21% of American adults are experiencing some kind of mental illness. A stunning statistic that mental health professionals commonly use to describe its gravity.

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Online Meeting Etiquette: Useful Tips for Organizers and Attendees

With so many people working remotely, the number of virtual and hybrid meetings has exploded. While this shift to remote work can be great for productivity, it can also lead to some challenges when it comes to meeting etiquette. 

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Building Business Relationships in 2022: What It Takes To Succeed

In the business world, it’s not what you know, but who you know. Building strong relationships with other businesses is essential for success in 2022. By networking with like-minded organizations, you can unite to make a positive impact on your community. Not only will this help promote your company and its products or services, but it will also help strengthen ties within the community.

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Company Culture: The Importance of a Strong Work Culture

Company culture is one of the most important aspects of any successful organization to have. This culture can influence and be influenced by many things including the type of communication within an organization, how you show appreciation for your employees and the standards you hold them to as well. Read our list of elements that make up a great work culture, as well as why it’s so important for your company’s growth.

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The Future Is Flexible: Benefits of Workplace Flexibility

Flexibility in the workplace is more than allowing your employees to take an hour off for a doctor’s appointment. It’s about giving your team a choice of how, when, and where they want to work. 

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Upskilling Employees: 5 Strong Reasons to Invest in Employee Development

Upskilling focuses on helping existing employees improve their skills, or learn new skills, for their current positions with the company. 

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Tips for Increasing Workplace Productivity

You’ve probably heard the expression “work smarter not harder”. This witty phrase is supposed to remind us that, especially in office environments, the success of the work we do is not necessarily based on how much time we put in. Instead, success is determined by how well we use this time. By learning to work smarter, we can improve productivity in the workplace.

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Go Long When Talent’s Short: 8 Creative Ways to Keep Employees Engaged

Gone are the days when employees settled for jobs they didn’t like. Unlike older generations, Millennials and Gen Z workers aren’t afraid to look for other opportunities if they feel unsatisfied in their workplace. 

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6 Ways to Personalize Your Employee Onboarding Experience

With an increase in employee turnover, providing a personalized onboarding experience has become more important than ever. However, many employers still fall short in this category. A Gallup survey reveals that only 12% of employees think their organization does a great job at onboarding new hires. 

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Meaningful Ideas For Mother’s Day Cards

Sending a handmade card is the new warm hug!

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How to Support Work-Life Balance & Keep Employees Happy

Work-life balance is a concept that supports the efforts of employees to split their time and energy between work and the other essential aspects of their lives. Family, friends, education, spirituality, personal growth, and other private pursuits typically fall into this category.

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4 Tips for Maintaining Company Culture in Hybrid Workplaces

The recent shift to hybrid work models has created challenges for many companies. Lack of communication and purpose are causing remote and hybrid workers to lose morale and focus. Furthermore, younger professionals are finding it difficult to build strong connections with coworkers in the virtual space. 

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Graduates of the Pandemic: What Does Gen Z Want in the Workplace?

Before the spring of 2020, most Gen Z students had their lives planned out – finish college, get an internship, travel, and get a job. 

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Employee Onboarding: Developing a Successful Process

Consider the experience of starting a job from the perspective of your newly hired employees.

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4 Ideas to Go Green and Promote a Sustainable Workplace

Global warming’s effects are beginning to show in today’s world. It is ultimately up to us to make a difference in this matter. We thought we’d share with you tips and ideas for “going green” in the office by promoting sustainability in the workplace! Remember: any little bit helps. (more…)

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Team Building vs. Team Bonding Explained with Examples

If you’ve ever worked in an office – be it in a virtual or in-person setting – you’ve probably heard your manager talk about “team building” and “team bonding” numerous times. 

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5 International Fun at Work Day Celebration Ideas

The words work and fun don’t always go hand in hand. Enjoying your work can become tricky when you feel as though you have been doing the same thing day in and day out for years. Since employees spend so much of their time at work, it is important to schedule activities and outings that help break up the monotony of the work week. International Fun at Work Day on April 1st is the perfect day to break away from the everyday office tasks and enjoy time as a team.

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10 Ways to Recover Your Team from Remote Work Burnout

When employees suffer from remote work burnout, they often have trouble concentrating, being productive and creative, or are thinking of leaving the company. 

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