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What Is Focus Time? Helping Your Team Achieve Goals Faster

Focus time is a specific part of an employee’s day or week dedicated to uninterrupted work. 

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Retaining High Potential Employees: Can Team Building Help?

Retaining high-potential employees is no easy feat. As the labor becomes even more competitive, companies are at higher risk of losing valuable talent to competitors offering higher salaries or better benefits. These are important things to consider, but your ability to retain employees often depends on how they fit into the company’s culture.

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Rage Quitting: How to Prevent Employees from Quitting on the Spot

Employees quitting on the spot or “rage quitting” has been in the news a lot lately. As more people grow dissatisfied with their employers, people are walking off the job in droves. 

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10 Easy Tips For Staying Healthy While Working From Home

Daily routines and consistent habits provide structure and discipline to everyday life. Having a set wake-up time, lunch, and after-work routine can help reduce stress and anxiety and increase our overall health and wellness. 

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Take Two Twosday: 12 Steps to Take in 2022

Coming out of a pandemic, we all wish these past two years could have a take two. Twosday, 2/22/2022 is a hopeful numerical palindrome that holds more significance than just your average day. What’s a numerical palindrome? A number you can read the same way forwards and backward. Many people use days like this to hold a special event like a wedding, announcement, or party for an easy, lucky day to remember.

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Understanding The Impact of Change Management & Change Leadership on Productivity

While there are many different factors that lead to a lack of productivity in the workplace, poor management is often identified as the leading cause. However, what if poor management is not the cause of lower productivity, but an improper balance of change management and leadership? Having this improper balance within an organization can hinder change, progression, and growth.

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Guide to Hiring & Retaining Gen Z: 7 Things They Value Most

With the generation of tomorrow’s workforce here today, companies are turning their focus to hiring Gen Z in the workplace. These up-and-coming employees have innovative ideas and a different opinion on the modern workplace. 

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Is a Big Raise the Only Solution to the Big Quit?

Debates about the Great Resignation of the Big Quit have only intensified in 2022. American workers are retiring early, discovering new career paths, or choosing to stay home and raise families. 

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5 Tips for Engaging Distributed Teams

Employing people remotely isn’t a new concept. Long before the pandemic, companies have realized that they don’t need to have a physical presence in a given location to hire local talent. Thanks to modern technologies, we can connect with people from around the world easier than ever before. 

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Laughter Yoga Health Benefits: Why Is Laughter the Best Medicine?

Happiness is contagious, and laughter is the best medicine for a good mood. That’s why every workplace should have a feel-good atmosphere. 

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Remote First Company Culture: 4 Basic Principles

With every wave of the pandemic, more companies realize that the benefits of remote work outweigh the risks. After months of balancing hybrid work models, many CEOs recognize that they can build stronger, more productive teams by allowing employees to work from home.

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6 Ways to Acknowledge Employee Loyalty

In the wake of the “Great Resignation,” employees are jumping ship on their long-term employers. Companies that haven’t yet adapted to employee demands for remote work flexibility, liveable wages, and a better focus on work-life balance are scrambling to keep up.

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11 Inspiring Poems To Celebrate Black History Month

Black History Month, observed each February, is a time to celebrate the lives and accomplishments of all those in the African American community. While we should all celebrate Black History every month, this dedicated time allows everyone to share, remember, and embrace the influence of Black heritage and culture. To celebrate Black History Month, we chose 11 inspiring poems to explore the rich tradition of Black poetry. Although these poems serve as just the tip of the iceberg of what needs to be commemorated, the lasting inspiration of literature allows for the injustices, accomplishments, and thoughts of the black community to always shine and be expressed. Be sure to check out some inspiring Black History Month poems below!

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Engaging & Retaining Millennials: 5 Ways to Give Them What They Need

Millennials are now the largest generation in the labor force, but notoriously the hardest to retain. They crave more gig work, career/life flexibility, challenging work environments, and constant progress in their careers. 

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10 Workplace Wellness Tips to Maintain Mental & Physical Wellness 

As we ring in 2022, there is no doubt that we are entering the year with a sense of uncertainty at the workplace. With the ebb and flow of the Coronavirus pandemic comes ever-changing workplace policies. While some companies are allowing more employees to come into the office, some have remained fully remote, and others have adopted a hybrid working model. While some aspects of work have become inconsistent, workplace wellness is the one constant that has followed us through the past 2 years. Follow our 10 tips to promote physical and mental wellness at work this year, whether you are working in person, in a hybrid environment, or remotely.

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4 Conflict Management Strategies For Virtual Teams

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended nearly every aspect of our daily lives; from the way we spend our leisure time down to our work routine. To prevent the spread of the disease, many non-essential businesses have embraced the shift to remote work. Though this is great for enforcing social distancing measures and reducing exposure, working from home is not without its pitfalls.

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Impossible Goals: What Are They & How To Set Them In 2022

It’s a new year. And while some of you may have set expectations for the year, there may be some of those that didn’t set goals at all. Instead, you’d like to move through the motions and do as you wish throughout the year, especially during a year where unpredictability has become the norm. As we reflect and look back on 2021, you most likely have a few dreams you consistently imagine yourself doing as time passes. Goals that may seem too impossible to reach. 

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Get Back to Giving

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an intentional choice to contribute to the well-being of society and the local community. There is no one “right” way to go about it and no one “right” answer when interpreting what it means in practice. 

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Benefits of a Global Workforce: 5 Reasons to Hire Employees Overseas

Employees are still feeling tremendous pressure to keep up with increased workloads. Since the start of the pandemic, people have been putting in more hours to complete their daily tasks. 

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Four-Day Workweek: Does It Make Employees Happier & Healthier?

The idea of working less to accomplish more is not a new one. A growing number of companies are adopting this approach to increase productivity and help employees maintain a healthy lifestyle. Studies have shown that increasing your work hours doesn’t necessarily result in productivity.

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