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Engaging & Retaining Millennials: 5 Ways to Give Them What They Need
Millennials are now the largest generation in the labor force, but notoriously the hardest to retain. They crave more gig work, career/life flexibility, challenging work environments, and constant progress in their careers.
Get Back to Giving
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an intentional choice to contribute to the well-being of society and the local community. There is no one “right” way to go about it and no one “right” answer when interpreting what it means in practice.
Benefits of a Global Workforce: 5 Reasons to Hire Employees Overseas
Employees are still feeling tremendous pressure to keep up with increased workloads. Since the start of the pandemic, people have been putting in more hours to complete their daily tasks.
Four-Day Workweek: Does It Make Employees Happier & Healthier?
The idea of working less to accomplish more is not a new one. A growing number of companies are adopting this approach to increase productivity and help employees maintain a healthy lifestyle. Studies have shown that increasing your work hours doesn’t necessarily result in productivity.
5 Gestures of Customer Recognition
Whether you’re an up-and-coming startup or an established business, you should make a habit of practicing customer recognition from day one. Customer recognition is a way of showing respect and gratitude to individuals or other businesses who buy your products or services.
Is Working from Home Better for the Environment?
People who work from home have benefited from less commute stress, lower expenses, and better work-life balance. As a bonus, we’ve also discovered that working from home is better for the environment.
Employee Volunteering: 5 Mental Health Benefits of Helping Others
Giving back to others can positively impact your employees’ mental health and overall well-being. In fact, there is a direct link between volunteering and psychological and physical health.
Show Me the Love! Individualized Recognition Done Right
Employees across all professions have realized that if they aren’t happy with their current employer, there are plenty of other fish in the proverbial sea. So, it’s no wonder why the current job market resembles a sports arena where employers are fighting tooth and nail to win over and retain high-value talent.
How Encouraging Failure at Work Increases Employee Engagement
Expecting that your employees will never fail can be demoralizing to the entire workforce and detrimental to the company culture. When employees believe that failing at work is not an option, they become burned out and their engagement crumbles.
How to Avoid the Great Resignation
If you read or watch the news, you’ve probably heard the term “The Great Resignation” recently. The pandemic has led to many people reflecting on their lives and reassessing what’s important to them. They are evaluating what they want from life, as well as how their job and the work they do fit into that vision.
7 Ways to Build Resilience In The Workplace and Why It Matters
In the latest episode of the TeamBuilding Saves the World podcast, Rob Fletcher, founder of Quixote Consulting, takes a look at the concept of “resiliency,” and why it matters. Fletcher is an award-winning author, speaker, and consultant that specializes in building passionate and committed teams.
How To Avoid Back To School Burnout While Working From Home
Warding Off Back-To-School Burnout Back to school used to mean that parents were excited to see the kids return to their learning, while the kids were excited to see their friends (but dreaded having homework again). Things may feel a little different this back-to-school season and may be a bit more stressful than previous years, as we adjust yet again to the disrupted schedules and new learning routines the pandemic has brought on. But for both parents and those that employ them — there are ways to help mitigate that anxiety.
Guide To Embracing The 5 Generations In The Workplace
In this episode of the TeamBonding Saves the World podcast, Mary Erlain, Author, International Speaker, and Founder of Peak Systems Strategies joins our host Rich Rinnisland to discuss the dynamics of having five generations in the workplace and how to navigate and embrace their differences and successes. To listen to this exciting conversation in full, click here.
5 Tips For Calming Anxieties About Returning To Work After Covid
As the world slowly begins to contemplate returning to the office after these long and difficult 18 months defined by the COVID-19 pandemic, the reality is that it’s not quite so easy as just telling your staff to start commuting again. Between ongoing fears of new variants, minors still not able to receive the vaccine, and the subsequent social anxiety that results from being isolated for so long, many people will find it difficult to make the mental switch back to full-time office work.
Languishing & Leaving: What Is It And How To Help Your Workforce
How to Avoid “Languishing and Leaving” Keep employees engaged to avoid losing good people As we move into the second half of 2021, there is a dominant sense of “blah” permeating the workplace. If you (or your employees) are showing signs of this, you aren’t alone. Coined “languishing,” this sense of stagnation and joylessness is a direct result of the fatigue that set in around the pandemic — and then the push to bring people back into workplace environments that try to pretend nothing has changed. This is a recipe for disaster — one which is already playing out with companies reporting record numbers of resignations, as well as furloughed workers declining to return at all.
10 Benefits of Practicing Mindfulness in the Workplace
The general definition of “mindfulness” is “a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.” When it comes to the workplace — the place most of us spend the majority of our waking hours — mindfulness can bring a host of benefits. Scientific studies have proven that employees that practice mindfulness in the workplace experience everything from reduced stress to improved concentration.
Charitable Team Building with our Charity Bike Build
Receiving your first bicycle as a birthday gift or even a Christmas gift is powerful memory that many of us hold dear. However, many children around the country have yet to experience this due to financial hardships. Now more than ever, many families have had to prioritize health and nutrition, and purchasing a bike has become an unattainable luxury.
Speak Up in the Latest Podcast of TeamBonding
In episode five of this season’s TeamBonding Saves the World podcast, Angela Lussier, CEO and founder of the Speaker Sisterhood, joins Rich Rinnisland to talk about why speak up culture is so important and the vitality of women speaking up and having a voice in the corporate world. To listen to the full conversation, the Speak Up Culture episode can be accessed here.
The Key to Helping Your Team Connect in Difficult Times
In this week’s episode of the “TeamBuilding Saves the World” podcast, special guest Christopher Schembra, bestselling author of Gratitude and Pasta: The Secret Sauce for Human Connection and the man behind “An Attitude of Gratitude” joins host Rich Rininsland for a frank discussion on how connections between team members can help — or hinder — productivity.
Why Hybrid Events Are The Future Of The Event Industry
This week’s podcast episode focuses on something that is near and dear to the team’s heart: hybrid events. With over 100 different live and hybrid events to choose from, we chatted with Stu Robertson, leader and creator of Team Up Events, to examine not only work-life balance but hybrid events as well. For many businesses, employee wellness remains a popular topic and can be achieved through a successful team-building event.
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