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Leadership vs Management: What’s the Difference

Leadership and management are often used like synonyms, but they are actually two different things. Both are essential if you want to be successful in the workplace, and when utilized in tandem, can elevate you and your team to new heights. However, that’s not possible unless you know the manager and leader differences.

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Team Success Starts with an Ownership Mindset

The ownership mindset is something that you may not have heard of, but it plays a huge role in team success. Having an ownership mindset is about taking ownership and responsibility of your business, the decisions you make, and the outcomes of those decisions. With the right mindset, you and your team can reach new heights and work better than ever.

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Monthly Event Spotlight

Summer is here! It’s time to get your team outside to enjoy some friendly competition in the fresh air with summer team building activities!  Browse the suggestions below to keep the fun rolling all summer long.

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Strengthen Your Team Through Community Engagement

There are many communities in need of assistance, but unfortunately, there are never enough people available to provide help. At the same time, corporations can benefit from team building and community involvement. One way for corporations to achieve both of these goals is by offering employees opportunities to work together to support the community. It can even be as simple as bringing food and coffee to local health workers as an act of thank you for their service.

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Micromanagement In The Workplace: Don’t Be A Bossy Boss

If you’re a manager or leader and find yourself looking over employees’ shoulders, wishing they did something differently, making frequent corrections, or constantly asking for updates, you may be micromanaging. 

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What Do Employees Value Most?

Employees are the most important part of any business. Without them, you have no one to make your product, sell your service, run your store, or help your customers. Keeping them satisfied and happy with their jobs is essential if you want to build a strong and devoted team. 

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Leveraging Charitable Events for Effective Team Building

Team building is like a never-ending adventure that helps a group of people become an effective and unstoppable team. In addition to having shared goals and objectives for work, team members must also establish trust, offer support, and value each other’s unique qualities and characteristics. To commit to this growth, teams must adopt effective team building methods.

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Building Community At Work: Going Beyond the Surface

In the digital world, it’s easy to get disconnected and isolated from others. This is especially true when it comes to remote work. Disconnection can have huge consequences. A large report from The Engagement Institute found that disengaged workers cost businesses up to $550 billion a year. 

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How to Build a Cohesive Team: 4 Tips for Success

All of us have been a part of a team at some point in our lives, whether it be high school sports or work. Teamwork can be incredibly rewarding, or it can be immensely frustrating. If your team can’t get along, argues, and can’t agree, you’re going to have a hard time. But if your team works together, supports each other, and works towards a common goal, you can achieve things you couldn’t alone. This is called team cohesion. 

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From Talk to Action: Creating an Inclusive Culture at Work

Inclusivity and diversity have become very important topics for businesses in the past few years. Many are focusing on inclusivity because of appearance concerns, while others genuinely care about having an inclusive culture at work.

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Investing in Employee Wellbeing Initiatives

Employee wellbeing has become a bit of a buzzword in recent years, and for good reason—it can have a huge impact on your business. Focusing on employee wellbeing initiatives can be a great way to boost employee engagement and motivation, which can help with your bottom line. 

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Social Purpose: What It Is & Why Your Business Needs It

In the past, businesses could get by if they had a great product or service. However, modern consumers are increasingly looking for companies that care about social issues and have a positive impact. According to a 2019 Aflac survey, 77% of consumers are motivated to purchase from companies committed to making the world better. Social purpose now plays a huge role in the decisions of consumers, and businesses need to accommodate that. The shift in consumer behavior has propelled the concept of social purpose to the forefront of business strategies. 

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Exploring Building Trust in the Workplace: A Guide for Teams

Trust lays the foundation for everything else in the workplace. According to a 2017 Harvard Business Review study, people in a high-trust workplace had 74% less stress, 106% more energy at work, and 50% higher productivity. A team that trusts each other will be more comfortable, cohesive, and confident, resulting in more success. They will communicate more effectively and ultimately be better employees. Building trust in the workplace is essential if you want to be as successful as possible. However, that is often easier said than done. 

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15 Icebreakers & Get To Know You Team Building Activities

Get to Know Each Other as People, Not Just Professionals. We’re all so much more than our job titles. We have interests that may have drawn each of us to our roles and helped us excel within them. A common challenge at work is the lack of opportunity for employees to connect with their colleagues beyond just their job duties. This can lead to a limited sense of connection among the team. But there is a solution: get to know you team building activities. There are easy and fun team building icebreaker activities that can help you and your team bond and get to know each other as more than just co-workers.

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A Guide to Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

When you think of work-related skills and soft skills, things like communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and initiative probably come to mind. While those are all important, there is another skill that often gets overlooked — emotional intelligence in the workplace. 

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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome at Work: Achieving Team Growth

Imposter syndrome has become a bit of a buzzword in recent years, and for good reason—it’s something that many of us struggle with. A review article published in the International Journal of Behavioral Science estimated that 70% of people experience imposter syndrome at some point in their lives. And imposter syndrome at work has become ever so common.

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Four Types of Organizational Culture in the Workplace

A strong organizational culture is the backbone of your company, but it is something that many often overlook. Your company culture is the shared values, practices, and attitudes of those in your company, and it impacts every aspect of your business. A 2019 Glassdoor study found that 77% of adults evaluate company culture before applying, with 73% saying they wouldn’t apply if the company’s values don’t align with their own. From employee motivation and satisfaction to your financial success, organizational culture is a vital part of your business. 

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Internship Onboarding: Plan a Successful Internship Orientation

One of the most significant advantages of hiring interns is the opportunity to select and develop your future talent. A survey from Bridge states employers have reported converting more than half of qualified interns into full-time hires. However, interns must learn about the company and position and interact with staff members to make this happen. This can be accomplished through Internship Onboarding or Internship Orientation, either held virtually or in person.

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Labor Hoarding: What Is It & How Does It Impact Your Team Culture?

Let’s face it – it can be difficult enough for your company to retain top talent in the best of times. And right now, in our uncertain economic climate, the last thing you want to do to save money is to lay off the very employees who are the backbone of your company. Cue the rise of the labor hoarding phenomenon.

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Returnship: The Benefits of a Return to Work Program

We’re all familiar with internships as great ways to introduce new members of the workforce to their future careers.  But what about those who have been successful in their professions for years – but then took a break from their industry?  Whether by choice or obligation, career gaps happen often to professionals across the board. Once these professionals are ready and able to return to work, it’s important that they’re offered support and guidance to re-integrate them into their field. 

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