Category: Psychology of Teamwork

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Toxic Workplaces: Signs of Oppression at Work

The Toxic Work Environments episode of our TeamBonding podcast Team Building Saves the World confronts the all too well-known topic of toxic workplaces, how to tell if you’re in one, and how to handle it. Rich Rininsland talks about increasingly toxic work environments with expert Nicole L. Turner, CEO of Nicole L. Turner Consulting and The Culture Pro™. Listen to the Toxic Work Environment podcast for Rich and Nicole’s conversation about navigating toxic work environments and making the best choices for your personal success.

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Complacent Employees: Solutions for Workplace Complacency

Imagine walking into your office on a Monday morning and feeling like you’re stuck in a scene from “Groundhog Day.” The same tasks, the same faces, and the same uninspired atmosphere greet you day after day. Complacency in the workplace isn’t just a productivity killer—it’s a silent epidemic that drains creativity, morale, and innovation.

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10 Workplace Wellness Tips to Maintain Mental & Physical Wellness 

As we ring in 2022, there is no doubt that we are entering the year with a sense of uncertainty at the workplace. With the ebb and flow of the Coronavirus pandemic comes ever-changing workplace policies. While some companies are allowing more employees to come into the office, some have remained fully remote, and others have adopted a hybrid working model. While some aspects of work have become inconsistent, workplace wellness is the one constant that has followed us through the past 2 years. Follow our 10 tips to promote physical and mental wellness at work this year, whether you are working in person, in a hybrid environment, or remotely.

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10 Benefits of Practicing Mindfulness in the Workplace

The general definition of “mindfulness” is “a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.” When it comes to the workplace — the place most of us spend the majority of our waking hours — mindfulness can bring a host of benefits. Scientific studies have proven that employees that practice mindfulness in the workplace experience everything from reduced stress to improved concentration.

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The Key to Helping Your Team Connect in Difficult Times

In this week’s episode of the “TeamBuilding Saves the World” podcast, special guest Christopher Schembra, bestselling author of Gratitude and Pasta: The Secret Sauce for Human Connection and the man behind “An Attitude of Gratitude” joins host Rich Rininsland for a frank discussion on how connections between team members can help — or hinder — productivity.

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The Psychology of Planning. Why Can’t I “Just Do It!”?

It’s a common problem, especially in today’s world with so many demands coming at us from so many directions — you know what needs to get done, you know how it needs to get done, but for some reason, you’re struggling to “just do it” already.

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5 Ways To Beat Work From Home Fatigue

Even with it being a brand new year, the reality is that most teams are still working remotely.

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Building Team Cohesion with Haka Works

Haka is the dance of the Maori people of New Zealand, and its new way to build cohesion in professional teams. It’s a powerful ancient posture dance that engages the body, face, voice and a collective team spirit.

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The Team Behind The Team

Team building applies to any field, even a football field. Following my favorite sports teams is my number one hobby! It’s fascinating to see how the most intense sports teams perform; the way they communicate, work together and understand each other.  As fans, we care about the win! However,  we have no idea what effort goes on behind the scenes. I realize that to have such a fierce demeanor as a team, it takes some work, teamwork. For players to cooperate, commit, and triumph, they first establish a fundamental core with team building.

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Catapult to Success

Does your team have what it takes to (literally) get an idea off the ground? (more…)

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