Category: Wordless Wednesday

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Fun Team Building Tip: Get the Party Started

Getting off to a rough start can kill your fun team building event before things get going… and delays are a rough start. It’s a huge bummer when you are excited about starting a fun team building event, but there is a delay because the entire group isn’t there yet.  So you end up waiting… (more…)

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Be a Space Hog & Don’t Feel Bad | Team Building Programs Tip

When team building programs lack adequate space for activities it can really put a damper on the fun. Team building programs can be difficult to plan. Many things can put a storm cloud over the process, and not having enough space is one of those things.  Do you want your team to be involved, enthusiastic, having fun and bonding with their co-workers… or complaining about not having enough space? (more…)

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Building a Team: Storming

Sometimes building a team can feel like being on Survivor Island, with everyone fighting to make sure their strategy will win out in the end.

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