The Greatest Bike Build on Earth

Over 300 bikes and helmets have been donated through TeamBonding programs like The Charity Bike Build and The Ultimate Charity Build so far in 2014.

Teams like yours appreciate team building that works and makes a powerful difference in the community – delivering smiles to hundreds of children.

The Bonding

Research shows that when people just sit and listen to a teacher, they retain only 20% of what they hear. However, participants involved in active learning (doing a real job, a simulation, a training game, etc.) retain 90% of the information.

bike build activitesThe bike builds encourage teammates to navigate challenges and earn enough “chips” to purchase parts. Working as a team is very effective, but these activities give your team hands-on working knowledge and tools to practice the right skills to be productive, effective and efficient together. Your team will learn to:

  • Build communication skills
  • Strengthen problem-solving
  • Inspire teamwork toward goal
  • Develop resource management skills
  • Improve time management
  • Cultivate customer service and connection
  • Foster big-picture thinking
  • Identify team strengths

The Bike Build

You’ve earned your chips and purchased the parts that you need. Armed with wrenches and enthusiasm, your team diligently constructs the ultimate human-powered rocket — a child’s bicycle.

bike build team building

Once completed, you wheel your mechanical marvels to the presentation start line. Everyone is poised to present their bike and “marketing commercial” to their TeamBonding ‘customers’.

bike build complete

The Smiles

Do you remember your first bike? The first time you learned to ride?

Suddenly a door at the end of the room bursts open. Now, your real customers come running out – children from your community. Imagine the delighted surprise that fills the room when your group finds out that these children, many of whom have never had a bike before, get to take these newly built bicycles home today.

charitable bike build program

Through the bike build, your team will connect with organizations like local Boys & Girls Club chapters to bring these kind of memories to children in your community. Boys & Girls Clubs are a safe place to learn and grow – all while having fun.

In every community, children are left to find their own recreation and companionship in the streets. An increasing number of children are at home with no adult care or supervision. Young people need to know that someone cares about them.

boys and girls club

Many Club programs are designed to help develop fitness, a positive use of leisure time, reduction of stress, appreciation for the environment and social and interpersonal skills. Independent Boys & Girls Club organizations, which are governed locally, serve youth and communities in more than 4,000 Club locations. Children that benefit from these programs include:

  • 5% are 5 years old and under
  • 46% are 6-10 years old
  • 20% are 11-12 years old

Have you ever participated in a bike build or any other charitable team building event? What was your experience like? Please share your favorite stories with us.

Samantha McDuffee

Team Contributor


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