Many people view corporate training as boring, stuffy, and un-fun. While that may be true for some corporate training, there are many more that are fun, exciting, and have the potential to transform your team and their skills. 

With corporate training, you can unlock and maximize your team’s potential. It can help you develop the skills and build the relationships necessary for a truly cohesive and powerful team. If you want your team to do their best, you should be taking advantage of corporate training.

For our most recent episode of the Team Building Saves the World Podcast, we talked to Jayne Hannah, Director of Corporate Training and Virtual Events at TeamBonding, and Amy Angelili, founder of the Adventure Project.

Hannah noted the power of team building in corporate training saying, “Team building actually gives you that opportunity to forget about work and be you, and that’s who you want showing up at work. That’s who you want to trust… It’s effective because where else can you spend time chatting with your CEO while doing something together?”

In today’s blog, we’re going to focus on the transformative power of corporate training, the best corporate training programs to ignite creativity, and how to maximize your team’s potential. 

corporate training

Understanding the Importance of Team Potential

First, let’s take some time to understand the importance of team potential. For some, the importance of realizing your team’s true potential may seem obvious, but many leaders and managers overlook the advantages and benefits. So let’s focus on the advantages that come with helping your team develop their skills. 

The most straightforward advantage is that your team will be more skilled. From creativity and innovation to communication and emotional intelligence, helping your team realize their potential will better all of their skills. And for you, that means they will be better equipped to do their jobs to the best of their abilities. 

There are also benefits for your employees. Not only will they get to better their skills, but they can also improve their own wellbeing. Employees feel more empowered and comfortable at work when they are improving their skills. Self-improvement can also have a big impact on things like self-image, imposter syndrome, confidence, and more. 

Looking at all of that in terms of your business, it brings a lot of benefits. More skilled employees means you will get better, more efficient work. And employees who feel confident and comfortable at work will be more motivated and dedicated, again meaning better and more efficient work. 

Another big benefit of realizing potential through corporate training is increased retention. Many businesses struggle to keep their talent, but helping your employees develop their skills is a great way to increase retention. 

Employees who are being supported, given training, opportunities, and more are significantly less likely to leave. And when potential employees see that your company is people centric dedicated to their employees’ future, they’ll be more likely to apply. 

At the end of the day, it’s in the best interest of both you and your employees to reach full potential. Your employees will be happier, more engaged, and more productive, and your business will run smoother, more efficiently, and have increased profits as a result. 

Who is Corporate Training For?

So now that we know the importance of potential, let’s shift back to corporate training. Many seem to think that corporate training is only for certain employees, whether that be those towards the bottom or those towards the top. However, corporate training is for everyone.

This is a point Hannah made, saying, “We always encourage every single person to participate, whether it’s the CEO or whether it’s an intern. That’s what it’s about… This is about us all coming together.” 

Corporate training is something that can bring value to everyone involved and bring entire companies together, so it’s not just for CEOs or new employees; it’s for everyone and anyone at the company. Building relationships is a big part of corporate training, so make sure it’s something everyone gets involved in. 

Bringing people together and building relationships is one of the reasons everyone should get involved with corporate training, but it’s not the only one. There are numerous other reasons as to why corporate training is something everyone should participate in. 

For example, learning new skills. Education is never ending, and it’s never too late to learn something new. Just because you’re a manager or CEO doesn’t mean there aren’t things you can improve upon. Don’t let the saying, “old dogs can’t learn new tricks,” stop you from growing professionally and personally. 

And those new skills can have huge benefits, regardless of your position. A lower level employee might learn something that helps them increase their efficiency or better their management skills, opening the door to management positions. A manager might learn something new about keeping their employees happy, resulting in increased employee morale and productivity. 

While it’s easy to think corporate training is just for a certain level of employees, it’s not. Don’t make that mistake and instead get everyone involved. The benefits you’ll see across the board make it worthwhile, and your employees will be happy about it too. 

corporate training

Characteristics of Effective Corporate Training Programs

With the what, who, and why covered, it’s time to take a closer look at what is corporate training and what the characteristics of effective corporate training programs are. There is a lot of corporate training that can be boring and ineffective, so it’s essential that you know what to look for. 

First, let’s go over some of the key characteristics. One of the most important things is that your training includes achievable and measurable goals. Your training is for a purpose, and you need to have goals to aim for. And because of that, you need a way to measure those goals as well. Having goals and a way to measure them goes a long way in making corporate training more effective. 

Goals are something that Angelili mentioned in our podcast as well. She said, “They’ve built something together and now they’re ready for the next step. Whether that next step is a higher level social or emotional learning, development of soft/essential skills, or whether it’s now onto technical development—it’s a great first step in the journey of bringing that team together for a common, long term goal.”

Another thing to look for is a training that is accessible and utilizes multiple mediums. Accessibility is huge since, as stated above, you want everyone involved. And if you want everyone involved, you need a training program that is accessible to everyone.  

Utilizing multiple mediums can help with accessibility. For example, if your program is mainly visual, a visually impaired person can’t take full advantage of it. But if the program also utilized other mediums like audio or interactive, they can still get involved. 

It also helps with keeping things fun and engaging. We’ve all been in a training that feels like it drags on forever. Switching up the medium, activities, and methods used throughout can help things stay fun, exciting, and engaging. 

Last but not least, it’s important that your training is aligned with your team’s unique needs. Whether your focus is corporate communication training, skill development, resiliency training, or something else, it should be tailored to your specific team.  

The Best Corporate Training Programs for Unlocking Team Potential

Before finishing things up, let’s look at some of the best corporate training programs for unlocking team potential. There are a lot of great programs out there, and choosing can be hard. So here are some of the best ones out there right now to get you inspired. 

Laughter yoga is one of our favorite programs for unlocking team potential. There are numerous benefits of laughter yoga, such as physical health improvements, mental health improvements, and increased morale. This is a great choice if you want to relax, have some fun, and take a moment to focus on yourselves. 

Another great option is an emotional intelligence workshop. Emotional intelligence plays a huge role in the workplace, and helping your team improve their emotional intelligence can also help them unlock their potential—individually and as a team. 

Team building retreats are another popular option for corporate training. Corporate retreats are great because your team gets to spend time together, outside of work, while also doing activities, events, and workshops that better your team. And as a bonus, these are often some of the most fun and memorable events. 

No matter what you choose, just remember to keep your team and your goals in mind. Every team is different, and your event should be tailored to your goals and team. So be sure to look for events, workshops, retreats, and activities that align with your team and goals. 

Ignite Your Creativity with TeamBonding

Corporate training is an incredible resource that can help you unlock your team’s potential. By unlocking your team’s potential, you can increase creativity, teamwork, efficiency, engagement, retention, and much more. With everyone on your team getting involved in corporate training, you’ll have a better team capable of doing better work.

Ignite your team’s creativity with TeamBonding. We have been doing corporate events for over 25 years, and we have a wide variety of events that cater to nearly any need. So get in touch with us today and unlock your team’s true potential!

Anna Webber

Team Contributor


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