What is this? This Fact or Fiction game is a great DIY team building event.  It can be done both in a virtual community or with your tribe live and in person. It takes a bit of work on your part as the games master to get the data required to play – but the effort in yields great results out. This team building game for adults is all about your team and how well they know each other.
Great For: Re-energizer that gets people talking and competing with one another, celebrate people on your team, and learn new things about them. Not to mention you will laugh and learn.
MIQ Top 3: Verbal-Linguistic, Visual, Interpersonal
Time Required to Play: 30 – 40 minutes
Activity Level: Light
Location: Inside (you’ll need a projector/screen)
Number of People: 8 to 80
Please note this is a downloadable event. When you purchase this Fact or Fiction game you will be sent the download information details.
What's Included?
Includes: You will receive a link to download a PDF with all the information you will need to build the game, including blank slides for you to add your own prompts and answers. You will also get a quick “how to play” text file. Everything you need in a tidy little downloadable pack.