Productive Places and Spaces

Did you know that the environment that you work in can impact your productivity?

When you think of the typical office space, you probably think of a cubicle with a computer screen. Maybe because that’s what most offices look like, or used to. Recently, there has been a trend towards enhancing work-spaces into more open and fun working environments.

productive office space

Aside from having nice scenery to look at while you get your work done, having a good work space design can also help increase productivity. Now, more and more companies are beginning to tear down the barriers between cubicles to create a more open office environment.

It’s important to recognize that everyone works differently. Some people can work with noise, some people need it to be completely silent. Some need their desk space 100% free of clutter, while others work just as well with heaps of paper piling on their desk. Everybody works differently!


productive office space

productive office space


When setting up your work space for maximum productivity it is important to take into consideration those personal preferences. There are, however, some suggestions that most people find helpful.

  1. Make sure the lighting in your work area is suitable. Whether you prefer natural or artificial lighting, which ever you choose should not leave you squinting when you’re trying to read.
  2. Choose comfortable seating. This may sound intuitive, but if you’re a person that sits at their desk all day long, this can really make a difference.
  3. Have the right tools. Making sure that you have all the supplies you may need throughout the day at your desk will prevent you from having to get up every time you need a stapler and run the risk of getting distracted.
  4. Headphones! If your office space is one that is open, it’s very easy to get distracted by other conversations or noise around the office. Bring headphones with you to work and you can plug them in and listen to your own music, or just use them to drown out other noise in the office.

A Change of Scenery

Maybe you have work flexibility and can work from home. If that’s the case, you have even more freedom to create the most productive office space according to your personal preferences. If you have a dedicated office space in your home, some suggestions include:

  • Remove items that are not related to work
  • Increase natural lighting
  • Declutter your deskproductive work space
  • Add plants to your office area
  • Consider a standing desk
  • Pick decor that suits your personal style (but is not distracting)

You can also try changing up your scenery by taking mini field trips! Now, with free WiFi in a number of cafes, restaurants and public libraries, you can take your work outside the house and into one of these spaces.

Sometimes it’s nice to have a change of scenery. Working in a cafe, some suggest, can even boost creativity! Try taking one day a week to do your work in a coffee shop. You may find that the break in your weekly routine actually helps you get more accomplished!

Do you have any tips for staying productive in the office? Share them with us!

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Lauren Baker

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