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We can work with you wherever you are, and wherever you’re going. No matter how many languages your team members speak, our facilitators and a worldwide network of partners are always ready to help you coordinate your next team building event.

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Change Management


15 – 150 people

15 – 150 people
In today’s challenging business environment, companies and teams simply must keep evolving if they hope to compete. This engaging team building event tackles change head on – communicating it, accepting it, even embracing it.

DiSC™ Training


15 - 40+ people

15 - 40+ people
This engaging experience officially ranks as our #1 most requested leadership training program. We designed it to maximize quick, high-impact learning and positive change. Improve communication, motivation and cooperation.

Effective Communication Skills


5-500 people

5-500 people
This powerful team building event gives your team the tools and insights they need to communicate more clearly and effectively every day. You’ll learn techniques for improving both verbal and non-verbal communication skills.
5 - 150 people
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®) is the world’s most widely-used personality inventory. We use it to help you and your team discover and leverage the various ways they make decisions, strategize and access information.

Improv for Team Building


12 - 100 people

12 - 100 people
This fun team building activity teaches vital soft business skills you won’t learn in an MBA program: focus, trust, proactive listening, presence and making each other look good. You’ll also experience high doses of laughter.

Emotional Intelligence for Teams


10 - 40+ people

10 - 40+ people
This fun, engaging team building workshop provides you with the practical guidance and tools needed to fully develop, optimize and improve your team’s Emotional Intelligence (EI) and unleash their hidden potential.

Custom Team Building


Any people

Any people
Want a fun event inspired by a special conference theme, favorite management book or unique set of learning outcomes? Or maybe there’s a specific charity you’d like to support? A fully customized event may be the way to go.

Humor that Works


15- 1,000 people

15- 1,000 people
Learn to develop a new personal habit: leveraging humor. In this energizing program, your Humor Engineer will teach participants how to apply humor using the 5 core skills of work to get better results while having more fun. 

Applied TeamProv


10 - 100 people

10 - 100 people
This interactive workshop incorporates games, activities and exercises from the exhilarating world of improv acting. It’s entertaining, energizing and educational. Who says improving teamwork and communication can’t be fun?

Breaking Barriers


10 - 500 people

10 - 500 people
Using a board to symbolize the insecurities that hold them back and the goals that they want to achieve, this event encourages your team to (literally) smash through barriers and obstacles in their way toward success.

Team and Leadership DNA


5 - 200 people

5 - 200 people
Team DNA and Leadership DNA are two of our most highly-targeted, premium-level talent development programs. We can help you build higher-performing teams, maximize working relationships and help people become more self-aware.

Strengths Finder 2.0


12 - 120 people

12 - 120 people
This corporate leadership/team building workshop provides a fascinating, insight-packed way to identify your team’s talents and build them into strengths. Become the consistently high-performing team you were meant to be.

The Haka Team Building


25 - 1000 people

25 - 1000 people
By now, you’ve probably seen the haka – the famous pre-match ritual of the world-champion New Zealand All Blacks rugby team. It’s a powerful way to build passion, commitment and alignment. And what team couldn’t use that?



10 - Unlimited people

10 - Unlimited people
This activity highlights the role of clear communications in any successful collaboration. Each team must build an exact replica of a model, but the builder isn’t allowed to see the original. Learning and laughter guaranteed.

Team Resilience Training


6 - 500 people

6 - 500 people
This helpful program helps your group explore simple techniques for maintaining wellness through proper diet, regular movement and a healthy approach to sleep. Just as important, we also focus on resilience as a group.

Leadership Stories


48 people max people

48 people max people
This engaging event is designed specifically to cultivate your team’s leadership skills. Competing as teams, you’ll consider a series of scenarios that require crisp, smart leadership decisions. Entertaining and enlightening.
10-150 people
Team PechaKucha (TPK) is a way for teams to exchange broad and diverse ideas in very condensed amount of time. Using this internationally renowned storytelling format, we have created a team building experience that is effective, impactful, and fun!

Team Wellbeing – Employee Wellness Program


8 - Unlimited people

8 - Unlimited people
Get your team buzzing with energy as they explore the impact of their behaviors on their team’s well-being, ultimately creating a harmonious and thriving work environment. With a focus on prioritizing employee wellness, teams embark on a journey towards team well-being, emphasizing a culture of positive actions and continuous learning.

Let's talk.

For more than 25 years, we’ve been helping teams like yours enhance open communication and build team camaraderie. If you want to rekindle the bonds your team once shared, or you’re assembling a new virtual team for the post-pandemic world, we are here to help.

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