Why this event?

This program is based on Clifton StrengthsFinder Training. A simple online assessment and accompanying resource materials serve as portals to discovering true strengths. It’s designed to put success – both in life and leadership – within the grasp of every participant from your team.
The genius of StrengthsFinder is in its potential for leveraging the strengths of an entire team to move the mission of the organization forward. One of the unique ways we have found to help teams understand their strengths is through an experiential activity.
By learning each other’s strengths and seeing real-world examples of these qualities in action, you can build a database of the talents each team member brings to the table. Leverage these strengths effectively, and your team is able to delivermore effort, more enthusiasm and better results.
The groundbreaking approach is the culmination of more than 50 years of work by Dr. Donald O. Clifton. Beyond the online StrengthsFinder assessment, each participant also receives a copy of either StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath, or Now, Discover Your Strengths by M. Buckingham and D.O. Clifton.