Get Really Motivated

Michael Miller is a speaker and consultant who travels the country using his passion to help others improve their lives by thinking differently!  Michael will help you as a company get what you want, providing listeners with a roadmap to success in any situation, and ultimately getting more out of life.

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Michael Miller is a motivational speaker largely focused on effective communication, inspiration, team building and enhancing self-awareness and group/solo effectiveness. He strives to bring his bold, challenging approach and energetic sense of fun to all of his speaking and training engagements. Michael has had a great deal of experience in the spotlight, spending over 200 nights a year traveling the nation to groups as varied as human resources departments, student organization leaders, freshmen parents and large corporations. Hear what he has to say at the Get Really Motivated program!

Speaking Topics:

Ice Breakers/Getting Started Sessions

Team building motivation activities are not silly games; rather, they are powerful tools that increase the rate at which individuals become part of a larger community. A fun and high-energy approach keeps participants interacting while becoming strongly connected.

Managing Dysfunctional Group Behaviors

Some people’s behavior takes energy away from the team. This team work motivation session will explore those behaviors and provide the team with ways to not only manage the behavior, but to improve it.


Need a boost? Through an interactive activity and using a presenter-developed model, participants will see their strengths in a dramatic way. In addition, we’ll explore theories of motivation that will last all year long.

The Headband Experiment: Understanding Others

Individual behaviors and attitudes affect group effectiveness. This interactive role play will illustrate this principle and provide participants strategies to handle different group differences.

Assertiveness and Constructive Confrontation

Tired of being a doormat? Are you left saying, “I should have said something!” after interactions? Let’s learn a framework for communication that leaves both parties satisfied.

Conflict Management

Conflict is bad, right? Not during this session! Conflict is an important way we can come to better decisions and ideas – if we manage it correctly. Let’s learn the ways to actually make conflict positive.

Delegation and Retention

We all want to retain quality people in our organizations. Did you know that by giving them important and challenging work you can do just that?

Leadership:  Types and Styles

Hands on or hands off? Which is best and why? We’ll use an instrument to explore leadership styles and then discuss ways to develop our skills so that we can employ the right styles at the right time.

Managing Multiple Priorities

When there are many tasks competing for our attention, we can become paralyzed. This session will provide strategies for task review and analysis so that you can get it all done.

Brainstorming and Mapping

Sure, we’ve all brainstormed! But do we do it effectively? In this session, we explore the topic again and also look at mapping – another way to generate ideas and organize them well.

Customer Services

Why does it seem so hard to provide quality customer service? This session will provide a foundation on how to approach customers and then look at ways to handle irate/difficult ones.

Evaluation: A Practical Approach

Evaluation seems difficult – although it needn’t be. Using your organizations goals, we will discuss a method for evaluation that makes it easier to access your efforts.

Unlocking Your Creativity

Creativity can be a powerful tool to advance your organizations agenda. Do you use this tool wisely? In this session we will explore ways that creativity can create new opportunities.

Goal Setting and Planning

Tired of setting goals because you never seem to accomplish them? This session will not only assist you in identifying your goals, but give you strategies to review and evaluate them.

Getting What You Want From Life

This session asks the important questions and motivates you to find the answers. Prepare for some positive confrontation as the presenter boldly shares the most effect ways to get what you want. A terrific keynote or endnote!

Team size
  • Varies
Time needed
  • Flexible
Space requirement
Ideal for

Michael is available to speak in all types of platforms from education to corporate.


Michael is a leadership trainer and consultant who strives to help people see the world, and themselves, differently and from new perspectives. He is largely focused on effective communication, handling conflict, team building, enhancing self-awareness and group/solo effectiveness. Michael is a gifted communicator, well-versed in a wide range of subjects.


At conferences, professionals and company representatives from all over are assembled in one place, under one roof. What better opportunity is there to address a significant chunk of an industry and speak on important issues that affect not one, but everyone?


The aim of most sales meetings is to monitor sales progress and find ways to improve them. Whether that involves evaluating tactics used thus far, continuing discussions with clients and representatives, dedicating more resources to the strategies that work or simply praising the team for a job well done, Michael has a concept for you and your team.


By hiring Michael  for your next seminar series, you can spread seeds of wisdom and personal growth among seminar attendees and the future leaders of your organization. Michael uses activities and audience participation to engage audiences and promote discussion and new ideas.


Marshall Field, Massachusetts native and founder of the famous Marshall Field and Company (Marshall Field’s) department stores, is often attributed with the quotes “The Customer is Always Right” and “Give the Lady What She Wants”. But customer satisfaction is only part of the work for a good customer service agent, which is no simple job in and of itself.


Michael strives to be real and genuine while devoting his full attention to each individual client and their needs. Sessions are interactive and include role-play, small group activities, reflection – stop and think case studies.

Let's talk.

For more than 25 years, we’ve been helping teams like yours enhance open communication and build team camaraderie. If you want to rekindle the bonds your team once shared, or you’re assembling a new virtual team for the post-pandemic world, we are here to help.

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