Why this event?

Clearly understanding different personality types can radically improve team dynamics. We leverage the MBTI to clearly demonstrate the strengths and benefits associated with specific personality traits, while providing everyone with the tools and common language they need to fully harness individual potential.
Our Myers-Briggs team building workshop allows team members to better recognize the strengths that other personality types bring to a team, and the power that results from multiple types working well together.
Participants come away from this program equipped with practical tools they can immediately apply to their own unique work situations. They also gain an understanding of the powerful productivity potential available when a team effectively draws on all team members’ strengths.
Important areas we cover:
- Understanding the strengths and challenges of your personality style
- Understanding the strengths and challenges of co-workers
- Capitalizing on the diverse strengths of your team
- Adapting your communication style to collaborate more effectively
- Solving problems more effectively
- Navigating conflict more successfully