Not Your Average Team Building Camp

Unplug, unwind, and engage beyond your desk!
Our team building camp adventure is perfect for high-energy groups who love physical activity, laughter, or both. Everything about this Summer Camp Throwback experience has been designed to challenge and excite absolutely everyone on your team.
Your event facilitator/camp counselors begin by dividing your group into teams of 10-12. Each gets to come up with their own camp-themed team name, plus a team cheer to go with it. After the flag-raising and a few traditional camp-style energizers, teams break off to compete in a series of hilarious competitive challenges. Each activity has specific physical, creative, and mental requirements, so every team needs a good mix of individual skills.
This is a wonderful way to wake people up and get everybody moving. It’s also very effective for helping people reconnect with happier, more optimistic versions of themselves.
And who wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to feel like a kid at camp?