Why this event?

As scientific evidence makes clear, businesses perform better when their key players can focus on their strengths while outsourcing their weaknesses. Based on the extensive research of Dr. Meredith Belbin, Belbin® Team Roles is a fun, effective way to make this happen.
The Belbin Team Roles Questionnaire is widely used today to help achieve ultimate team performance. TeamBonding has multiple accredited Belbin Team Facilitators on staff. We regularly run Belbin® team building events for companies across the U.S. and Canada.
Choose from two distinct workshops:
Team DNA focuses on the unique behavioral clusters that all of us project when working with others. The way we contribute, interrelate and behave is based on a lifetime of unique experience, role learning and personality. Knowing their individual and collective Team DNA helps team members understand their key strengths and weaknesses, which can traslate to better decisions and less workplace friction.
Leadership DNA helps measure the impact, strengths and weaknesses of those working as leaders or managers. Intelligent, effective leadership is best when underpinned with pragmatic knowledge of one’s own operating style and that of others. Adding insights like these to a leadership toolkit makes it easier to maximize strengths while offsetting weaknesses.
How the program works:
STEP 1: Each participant completes a profile and observations prior to the event. Participants complete their own online profiles, and can also invite co-workers to add their own 360-style feedback.
STEP 2: One of our accredited Belbin Team Facilitators analyzes the profiles to create detailed team reports. These offer an enlightening view of your team as a whole, plus any specific sub-teams or working relationships you choose.
STEP 3: We seamlessly integrate relevant observations from the data into our presentation components, interactive sessions and team challenge activities. The goal is always to facilitate meaningful transfer of insights into real-world application.
STEP 4: Targeted follow-through strategies can be discussed and agreed upon for post-program milestones. These reviews can be either self-driven or externally facilitated.
Are you looking to create great teams, great leaders and great results? You’ve come to the right place.
*We also offer this training as virtual and hybrid programs.