Team Bonding Tip | Bolster the Self-esteem

Give compliments and praise. A little, “Atta boy” or high five can go a long way.

When the going gets tough, the tough help you get going! We are all unique with different strengths and weaknesses. That is what makes working as a team so magical. One person can pick up the slack where others might falter.

“Encouragement is the oxygen of the soul.” -George M. Adams

If you’ve ever been a part of one of those extreme adventure races, you know it can’t be done alone. This is a great team bonding experience. There’s mud, 10 foot walls, deep water and ice. Your mental and physical limits are tested.

What is the best way to overcome the exhaustion and fear? It’s knowing that someone has your back. When you can’t get over that wall by yourself, someone will be there to pull you up. If you are falling behind, your teammates will be there to cheer you on.

team bonding

You don’t have to run 10 miles and low crawl under barbed-wire fences to bond with your teammates though! During team bonding programs or every day projects, providing an encouraging word or a helping hand can leave you and your teammate feeling motivated and connected.

team bonding


Do you use encouragement to boost team bonding?

Flora Baxter

Team Contributor


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