Tune In, It’s Twitter Time!

Let’s chat #TeamVampires!

Don’t allow coworkers to suck the life out of your office. Harassment at work is no joke, as over a quarter of American’s have been victims of corporate bullying. Avoid the negative bite of team vampires!

Next Friday, July 18th, we are facilitating our very first Twitter Chat! Follow #teamvampires at 3PM to discuss how to avoid office bullying!team building

We value the importance of team building and communication. We want to share with all of you the strategies that we use to maintain our fun and hardworking environment! Before you join us on Twitter, take a few minutes to think about the following questions:

Q1: What strengths does your team have when it comes to communicating?

Q2: What tips could you provide that may help others communicate with their team members?

Q3: What types of communication and team building activities work best for your company?

Q4: What qualities do you appreciate most about your boss?

Q5: What’s the best way to approach your boss, or other team member(s), when you are having a problem and need advice?

We also want your tips on how to approach the office bully. The office vampires are the one’s who tend to suck all the fun and hard work out of your office environment. Check out one of our earlier blog posts on how to avoid the negative bite!

We want to learn from you! We are SUPER excited about our first Twitter Chat, and hope that you’ll participate! See you NEXT Friday! 

Madeline Tormey

Team Contributor


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