Date: Apr 15, 2021
Time: 1 PM - 2:00 PM EST
How do you promote gratitude and find positivity within your team?
USA Today’s Gratitude Guru, Chris Schembra, guides us through what it means to have An Attitude of Gratitude. Even at the highest levels of success, business leaders and their teams are lonely, isolated, and disconnected. By giving gratitude to the positive consequences, and out-weighing the negative, gratitude creates the framework that helps leaders build community, and strengthen relationships. Gratitude is short for great attitude!
Chris Schembra
Chris has had a life of many ups and downs, and uses his experiences to immerse, and educate the audience on how to access obstacles from their past and turn them into learning opportunities for growth, healing, connection, pride, and optimism.
What does it mean to have An Attitude of Gratitude?
Gratitude sets the scene for connection and creates moments with your team that last a lifetime.
Individually, some of the benefits of expressing gratitude are increased happiness, positive affect, and resiliency, greater life satisfaction, reduced burnout, enhanced physical health through better sleep, muscle recovery, and reduced inflammation.
On a group level, expressing gratitude strengthens relationships and increases pro-social behavior, job satisfaction, and productivity. Gratitude helps to shift individuals away from negative thoughts and behaviors to more positive ones by broadening and building social and mental resources. Connections forged at this experience will only deepen and grow. Being grateful can improve every part of your life.
To have Chris do a private event for your team, visit the An Attitude of Gratitude program page.